Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Busy First Day

Sunday was a whirlwind. Sudo Sensei (the assistant pastor to Kyodo church) picked me up from the Arita's house at 8:30am. We took the train to church, it took about 45 minutes I believe, and we went straight to the junior high/high school class where I'll be leading English Bible class. There were three students, the Sunday school teacher and her daughter Emiko who is playing the piano in one of the pictures below. So I jumped right in to explaining the lyrics to the hymn What A Friend We Have In Jesus that they were already reading over. I've learned one thing already about teaching English: old hymns are not ideal for teaching conversational English! You've got to be one interesting character to use words like cumbered and laden in your everday speech.

I was surprised by how many of the members of that church knew some English. But I suppose I really shouldn't be that surprised since they are required to learn English grammar and writing starting in junior high. I guess I was just surprised that some of the older people in the church even knew some. Not that I had any extended conversations with any of them, but there were so many that came up to me to introduce themselves. I was so warmly welcomed and accepted.

After the service, where one of the ladies translated for me, they had a welcome luncheon and a short welcome service in my honor. (Random Japanese Fact #1: Honor is highly valued in Japan.) Masuda Sensei (the head pastor of all three churches) mentioned to me that my being here is somewhat of a historical event, in regards to the EC church particularly. He told me that my presence as an American provides a tangible sense of connection to the EC churches in the U.S. May God guide us together as we show Christ's love and salvation to the Japanese around us.

The man to the left of me is Masuda Sensei. The other two men are elders in the church.

These pictures are of the welcome service.

Here is a short clip of the Japanese version of Because He Lives.

1 comment:

quarter-life lady. said...

I am so glad you were warmly accepted and that things are going well so far. Oh, and that you are safe. I will continue praying for you. Love you Karen!