Friday, December 12, 2008

Sagamihara Women

Today I spent the morning and afternoon at the Sagamihara church where the Abes are pastors. They have a monthly meeting where they invite women to bring their young children to play and hear a bible story and have tea time. But today was a little special, they had a full lunch and dessert to celebrate Christmas, of course. I had a fun time loving the cute Japanese babies and talking a little to the moms, if I could. And I tried to help out too. Mrs. Abe was very very busy preparing for the meal and organizing things. She wasn't alone, but she did most of the work and you could tell. She does a really great job, but of course she was the last to eat. Ah, these people know how to work and they do it all for God. May they be rewarded richly.

Kawaiine...(Cute, isn't she?)

Here is the infamous Aiden being himself striking the kind of pose only someone who knows they are cool will make. He is the Abes' grandson who I've mentioned before.

These pictures are of the park just behind the Sagamihara church. It's a really beautiful park, but not as colorful in winter as it is in the other season.

This is a lovely stray Japanese cat that I assume lives in the park. It decided to befriend me and snuggle up between me and my purse. How nice. I hope it doesn't have some kind of strange foreign disease.

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